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One hundred ninety one students admitted to IT specialties benefit from additional budget places in Moldova

16:01 | 05.09.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 05 September /MOLDPRES/ – There were redistributed 158 places with unsolicited budget funding to IT specialties in higher education, undergraduate cycle. Thus, 85 places have been redeployed at the Technical University of Moldova (UTM) and 73 state budget placess at the State University of Moldova (USM), the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

Totally, there were enrolled about 580 students at IT specialties in 2018, and the initial plan of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MECC) provided 450 state – funded places. Also, at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), Pedagogical State University Ion Creanga (UPSIC) and State University of Cahul (USC) remained about 30 budget places unsupported by the ICT specialties.

Similarly, professional schools and colleges have been redistributed to the IT specialties by 33 budget places. According to curriculum, there were provided 432 budget places in professional schools and 262 in colleges. At present, there remained unsupported more than 120 state – funded places.

Earlier, Prime Minister, Pavel Filip, requested redistribution of unattributed budget places to IT specialties, noting that there was an acute shortage of specialists in the field.


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