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Meteorologists forecast nice weather in upcoming days in Moldova

13:11 | 15.09.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 15 September /MOLDPRES/ – The temperate weather, suitable for the season, sunny and occasional brief rains forecasts meteorologists in upcoming period.

According to the SHS's information and media communication service, the weekend, as well as the beginning of upcoming one, is determined by 25ºC – 27ºC, during daytime, and 12ºC – 17ºC during the night. It is possible isolated precipitation, but especially in the north and south of Moldova. Similar but not rain – like temperatures with variable sky will be maintained over the next seven days.

"This is a meteorological situation specific to this period. That is how it should be middle September in this geographical area," estimate sources from SHS.

The experts say that in September the average monthly air temperature is 04ºC – 05ºC lower than in August and varies between +14ºC in the northern regions of the country and +17ºC in the south. From the meteorological point of view, the summer season continues on average until 12 – 23 September, when the average daily temperature are over + 15ºC in decrease direction.

In folk meteorology, September is called Rapciune, and the traditional calendars indicate that a warm rabble will bring a cold and rainy Brumarel (October). Also, the September thunders tell a long winter with a lot of snow, especially in February. If the swans leave faster in September, then winter will come sooner. Just as in September, there are many spider webs on the ground, we have to wait for a heavy winter.

(Reporter L. Grubii, editor L. Alcaza)


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