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Young people from Causeni actively apply to First Home programme

11:53 | 21.09.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 September /MOLDPRES/- The First Home government program is becoming more popular, and young people from different localities in the country are increasingly interested in purchasing a home in advantageous conditions offered by the state. Today, during his visit to Căuşeni, Prime Minister Pavel Filip met the beneficiary of the program, Ana Vintilă, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

The 25-year-old has recently bought an apartment of about 70 square meters, worth over 553,000 lei. She thanked for the opportunity noting that the possibility to purchase a home made her stay at home and work in her home town. The premier wished the young woman to continue to enjoy the benefits of the First Home 2 and 3 programs.

“The fact that our young people choose to buy a house here in Causeni and not to go abroad gives us new strength and confidence to continue with such programs. The "First Home" program is one I care much, so we want to give our young people a better and quieter future here at home,” he said.

Since March 2018, 361 families and 138 unmarried young people have purchased homes under the "First Home" program. Loans amounting to over 193 million lei were offered, and the amount of guarantees by the state is almost 97 million lei. Most requests are registered in the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti and in Cahul, Falesti, Glodeni and Causeni districts.



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