Agenda for Friday, 23 November
08:26 | 23.11.2018 Category:
Today in Moldova
The parliamentary commission on social protection, healthcare and family convenes into meeting at parliament at 09:00.
The parliamentary commission on culture, education, research, youth, sports and mass media convenes into meeting at parliament at 09:30.
The Parliament convenes into plenary meeting at parliament at 10:00.
PM Pavel Filip and Cabinet of ministers meet representatives of the local public authorities of Cahul district at Cahul district council at 10:00.
The PM has a meeting with representatives of business community in Cahul district at Cahul district council at 12:30.
The Prime Minister meets with beneficiaries of programme Prima Casa at Cahul district council at 14:00.
The head of Executive visits the Draexlmaier Fourth Factory in Cahul city at 15:00.
The public presentation of projects takes place at the International Student Contest Earth Rover – 2018 within mobile robotic systems, organised by the Faculty of computer science, informatics and microelectronics of the Technical University of Moldova at Tekwill centre at 09:00.
The representatives of press institutions are invited to the XI International Industrial Conference, Industria 4.0 at the Palace of the Republic at 10:00.
GEN Moldova announces an event with participation of journalists, entitled: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Startups in Mass media at Jolly Alon hotel at 11:00.
It is launched Abecedar by Vasile Romanciuc within the days of the national library for children Ion Creanga, on 19 – 25 November, at 10:00.
The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History hosts the anniversary programme of band Văglénce, organised in cooperation with the out – of – school activity centre Curcubeul in Chisinau at 14:00.
There takes place a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of American composer Leonard Berstein at Chisinau philharmonic at 18:00.
The Cartier publishing house sells the books at half price in the Cartier online bookstores:, from 00:00 until 24:00.