Moldovan PM asks mayors to support primary health care reform
14:25 | 30.11.2018 Category: Official
Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Pavel Filip, accompanied by the entire government team, went to Donduseni today. He reviewed the main government reforms and stressed determination to carry out the projects and continue actions for supporting the people, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.
“Nobody will come to solve our problems. We alone must do this. Issues related to pensions and low wages, infrastructure in schools and kindergartens, road repair - all require financial investments," he said.
Filip highlighted the tax reform, offering a lot of facilities to entrepreneurs in HORECA industry and taxi drivers. “We were committed to reduce the pressure on the business environment, boost entrepreneurs to get out of the shadow economy and reduce payment of wages in envelopes. Being paid state taxes, we can make social investments," he said.
Among the main social projects were - First Home, PARE 1 + 1, Start for Young People and Good Roads for Moldova programmes. They aimed at motivating Moldovans to stay home with their families.
Also, the premier approached the lack of doctors in the villages, and noted the need to reform primary medicine to give family doctors the right to individual practice. "I urge mayors to back the primary health care reform and to provide rooms for doctors who will launch individual practices. If we make the rules a little, we'll have fewer bosses and more family doctors. From 1 January, we will start contests for individual practices, and family doctors will go to villages,” he said.
The problems of businessmen in the district were discussed at the meeting between the premier and business representatives. Reducing tax burdens, paying taxes to the state budget, agricultural products prices and diversifying outlets - were the main topics.
During the day, the government representatives will go to the 22 localities of Donduseni district to study closely the problems of the inhabitants, which will then be summarized in an action plan, with appointment of responsible people and terms of their examination.