Prospects for 22 – 26 December
19:02 | 21.12.2018 Category:
Events in Moldova
Saturday, 22 December
There are public debates on the drafts: The regulation on pet care and homeless care of animals in Chisinau municipality and The regulation on the catching, transporting, keeping and care of dogs and cats without supervision and without guards in Chisinau municipality at Chisinau city hall at 12:00.
Sunday, 23 December
There is premiere in Moldova of non – verbal performance Bobinarium (theatre for babies) at iHUB Chisinau at 17:00.
Monday, 24 December
In the evening of Christmas Eve, the National Library of Moldova (BNM) is waiting for the audience at the concert of winter carols and songs: E vremea colindelor... (It is time of carols ...). The concert is part of the special Christmas Magic programme at BNM within Christmas Fair 2019 at 17:00.
Wednesday, 26 December
Acting general mayor of Chisinau Ruslan Codreanu convenes the operative meeting of municipal services at Chisinau city hall at 08:30.
The institute of legislative creation Lex Scripta invites mass media to a press conference: The regional balance of festival Bookfest within launch of book: Fapte, nu vorbe! Competenta, Consecventa și Cumsecadenie (Facts, not words! Competence, consistency and decency) at Infotag at 10:00.
At the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History is held the Feast of carols: Hristos Se naste, slaviti – L! (Christ is born, glorify Him!), 4th issue. The event is organised in collaboration with the Cultural Relations Synodic Sector of the Metropolitan Church of Chisinau and the whole of Moldova at 12:00.