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Road workers scatter about 200 tonnes of anti – skid material to combat ice in Moldova

13:56 | 18.01.2019 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 January /MOLDPRES/ – About 200 tonnes of anti - skid material was scattered last night on national roads to fight the ice.

The head of the operational service of the State Road Administration (ASD), Sergiu Capatina, has specified for agency that during the night there were no snowfalls, there was sometimes a mist, and on some parts of the road it is kept ice.

"There were involved about 30 special vehicles and 52 employees in the works. At present, the road traffic on national roads is provided in winter conditions," said Capatina.

The City Hall announced that during the night, the municipal services intervened on the streets, in the central area of ​​Chisinau, with widening of the road and snow removal, in order to allow parking of cars. Exdrupo company has acted with 18 vehicles to prevent ice formation on the streets and in the courtyard of blocks of Botanica sector. Totally, there were scattered 83 tonnes of anti – skid material and eight tonnes of technical salt. The road workers also worked on snow removal on the bridge of street Ismail to facilitate transportation. The housing – communal service took over snow removal with 10 specialised machinery. There were evacuated 1,200 m3 of eviction on streets: A. Puskin, Metropolitul G. Banulescu – Bodoni and A. Mateevici.

Today, there will intervene 350 workers and 25 technical units in the courtyards of the blocks, fighting of ice and sprinkling of anti – skid material.

Interviewed by agency, the press officer of the National Patrol Inspectorate (INP), Natalia Golovco, has said that drivers are being forced to increase the distance between cars during ice. "The patrol inspectors recommend drivers to avoid dangerous maneuvers, check the condition of brakes, equip the vehicle with winter tyres, anti – skid chains, shovel, scraper and sandbag. Similarly, the pedestrians are warned to use only the signaling crossings after a thorough insurance," said Golovco.

In the coming days, the weather is slightly cool. At night, the thermometres will indicate up to – 10ºC in the north, and the day will record up to 0 ºC in the south. There are expected precipitations in the form of snow within isolated areas.


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