Prospects for Saturday, 18 May
19:21 | 17.05.2019 Category:
Events in Moldova
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and the International Cooperation Agency of Germany (GIZ) invite to the Dual Education Day, IInd issue, at the Vocational school, Orhei city 12:00.
The Competitiveness Project of Moldova invites mass media to an event to present its conclusions following the visit of 9 tour operators in Italy to promote Moldova as a tourist destination for the Italian market at BERD`s Hotel at 12:00.
Within the International Day and European Night of Museums 2019, XVth issue, the National History Museum invites visitors to travel in time, starting with the weapons and military equipment exhibition in IInd half of XXth century, clothing and accessories of stars of 30s and finishing with robot exhibition: INNOVATIC FEST ROBOSHOW at 10:00.
The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History hosts the official opening of exhibition: Interferente culturale la Orheiul Vechi (The cultural interference at Old Orhei) within the International Day and European Night of Museums at 15:00.
Also in the nominated museum, it is inaugurated exhibition: Magnificii fluturi (Magnificent butterflies) at 16:30.
It is opened photo exhibition: Realitati (Realities), 3rd issue, organised by the Association of Reporters: Oameni si Kilometri (People and Kilometres) at the monument of ruler Stephen the Great and Saint at 10:00.
The National library for children Ion Creanga hosts the Republican stage of the reading contest: La izvoarele intelepciunii (At the springs of wisdom), XXIXth issue, dedicated to writer Camil Petrescu at 10:00.
The Mihai Eminescu Romanian Cultural Institute in Chisinau, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Romania in Cahul and the Cahul University B. P. Hasdeu, organises an extraordinary classical music concert by the Select Strings Quartet at the Cahul University B. P. Hasdeu 17:00.