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Agenda for Friday, 31 May

09:31 | 31.05.2019 Category:

Today in Moldova

The MPs of PAS faction of block ACUM hold a press conference: The presentation of a legislative initiative on equitable paying in education at parliament at 11:00.


Ombudswoman for children's rights Maia Banarescu invites journalists to a round table: The issues of prematurity in Moldova: achievements and actions to identify solutions, at Bristol Central Park hotel at 10:00.


The Chisinau city hall and Registrar's Office organize celebration of gold and diamond weddings for 19 couples from Chisinau at 09:00.


Chisinau acting mayor Ruslan Codreanu holds a press briefing on signing of Accession Agreement of the Chisinau city hall to the Paris declaration – municipalities engaged in control of HIV/AIDS at the Chisinau city hall at 14:00.


The Democratic Party invites to a news briefing at 11:30.


Open Doors Day is held at aviation regiment Decebal in Marculesti on occasion of 27th anniversary of unit creation in Marculesti village, Floresti district at 10:00.


The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) invites to the 9th public hearing for Chisinau from 2018 – 2019 on the subject of public services in Chisinau at the academy of economic studies at 10:00 – 12:00.


The Association for Foreign Policy, with the support of the Institute for War & Peace Reporting, organises conference: The hybrid policy phenomenon in the Eastern Europe region: The info security from a media perspective in Moldova and Ukraine at Radisson hotel at 09:00.


Romanian ambassador to Moldova Daniel Ionita attends the Open Doors Day, at aviation regiment Decebal in Marculesti (Floresti) on the 27th anniversary of unit establishment at Marculesti International Airport at 10:00.


The Embassy of Germany in Moldova hosts the summer holiday of German language. During the event, there are awarded the German language diplomas level II, announced holders of scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), winners of essay contest of the Embassy as well as the best German language teachers at 16:00 – 18:00.


The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitanu and Association of Surgeons Nicolae Anestiadi of Moldova invite to celebration of 80th anniversary of academician Gheorghe Ghidirim at the state university of medicine and pharmacy at 14:00.


Journalists are invited to the official opening of FAMILY REST FEST due on 31 May-2 June.


The Moldovan police invites to the National Police Contest at armwrestling at central Dinamo sport club at 10:00.


Head of Public Association Moldova mea Fiodor Ghelici invites mass media to the act of protest of Moldovan citizens in front of headquarters of General Prosecutor's Office at 14:00.


The Union of Writers of Moldova, International Academy of Literature and Art and Cultural Society Apollon – Romania, Chisinau branch, invites to poetry lesson: Bassarabian Love – a show of music and poetry at the Union of Writers of Moldova at 14:00.


The Moldovan Sports Press Association invites to the next sporting event at the APSM Olympics 2019, the draughts at the Republican Club of chess and draughts at 15:00.

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