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Moldovan president asks convening of Supreme Security Council immediately

10:20 | 21.08.2019 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/- President Igor Dodon announced today that he requested convening of the Supreme Security Council immediately on the transaction in the public space regarding the sale of Avia Invest.

He said he asked the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and all state institutions to prepare the information related to this transaction, through which the company Avia Invest was sold, and the concession right for another 43 years passed to another company.

“The meeting will focus on the state risks related to this transaction and the solutions to restore the airport to state management. The law enforcement bodies will present the information on the investigation of the circumstances of the concession of the airport to a group of swindlers, and the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure will inform CSS and the company about how Avia Invest has fulfilled its contractual obligations, including the investment program carried out from money collected from passengers,” Dodon said.

The Supreme Security Council includes speaker Zinaida Grecianîi, Prime Minister Maia Sandu, Interior Minister Andrei Năstase, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Vasilii Şova, Defense Minister Pavel Voicu, Minister of Justice Olesea Stamati, acting Prosecutor Dumitru Robu, Governor of the National Bank of Moldova Octavian Armaşu and Bashkan of Gagauzia Irina Vlah.


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