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About MDL 07 mln allocated to victims of crash in block next to one collapsed in northern city of Moldova

19:59 | 21.08.2019 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 August  /MOLDPRES/ – The Government has decided, on Wednesday, 21 August, to allocate about MDL 07 million from the reserve fund of Government (FRG) to compensate the value of dwellings of families in the block of the one that collapsed in Otaci city, Ocnita district, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

PM Maia Sandu has said that these financial means are intended for families to purchase dwellings, given that the housing block in which they have lived so far, although not collapsed, is in a damaged state and presents a danger to the lives of tenants. Also, the Government has approved the release of MDL 144,000 from the budget of the Agency of Material Reserves (ARM), subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), for purchase of food products as to ensure the families affected by collapse of the residential block in Otaci city.

Another project approved in the meeting concerns the transmission, from the administration of the State Chancellery (CS) to administration of Ministry of Healthcare, Labour and Social Protection (MSMPS), of public medical – sanitary institution: Polyclinic of CS and public – sanitary institution: Hospital of CS. Similarly, the project provides for modification of names of public healthcare institution: Polyclinic of CS in public medical – sanitary institution Polyclinic of state, as well as of public medical – sanitary institution: Hospital of CS in public medical – sanitary institution: Hospital of state.

Also today the Executive has approved the updating of the rules of insurance with uniform of border guards, given that the current norms are exceeded. Thus, some objects, due to climatic conditions in which they are used, wear out before the established term and it is necessary to reduce the term of use, and for others it is necessary to establish a longer term of use. The project refers to border guards, including following categories: who hold special ranks of officer attached to the officer corps; students from the educational institutions subordinated to the General Inspectorate of Border Police (IGPF); graduates of the Stefan cel Mare Academy of MAI, specialty Border security and the staff of Border Police Band (FPF). Currently, the amount required to purchase the uniform for a border policeman constitutes MDL 8,479 and after operation of modifications it will change into MDL 8,548. This increase is due to the addition of a number of new uniform items.

Also, the Executive has approved the list of persons to be awarded the National Prize for 2019, worth MDL 100,000 for each:

Alexei Sainciuc, painter and book graphic artist; Alexandra Conunova – Dumortier, violinist; Gheorghe Urschi, actor, director, writer; Galina Lupascu, doctor qualified in biological sciences; Nadejda Mihnea, doctor in biological sciences, research associate professor; Larisa Andronic, doctor in biological sciences, research associate; Svetlana Smerea, doctor in biological sciences; Valentin Butnaru, writer, playwright; Tatiana Tibuleac, writer; Iurii Canasin, sculptor.

The National Award for 2019 will be presented to winners on 26 August.

The executive also approved some amendments to regulation on organisation and functioning of Economic Council (CE) with PM. The main provisions of project are: completion of functions of CE targeting the field of small and medium – sized enterprises, creation of a permanent working group for the exercise of functions of the Advisory Council for small and medium – sized enterprises, headed by the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure. The management of CE will be represented by PM, as head of CE, and the deputy head will be appointed the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure.


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