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Moldova's civil society must actively participate in backing cultural activities

16:59 | 18.09.2019 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ - The civil society must actively participate in the support of cultural activities, working out and promotion of cultural policies. At the same time, to ensure the efficiency of the theatre and concert institutions, the regulation on financing of cultural institutions should be changed. The participants in the fifth round of discussions titled, Wednesday of cultural policies in Moldova, organized by the Centre of Cultural Policies, with the support of the Visegrad Group, have made statements to this effect. 

How to ensure the sustainable partnerships between the public administrations and the civil society’s structures, how to develop the private initiatives in the culture sector? The participants in the discussions tried to answer these and other questions.

A representative of the Paragon Agency, Stanislav Goncear, said that, for the residents to more widely get involved in cultural activities, it is necessary to inform and ensure the access of the civil society to draft documents of cultural policies. This fact is confirmed also by an opinion poll conducted by the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Researches. Thus, 36 per cent of the respondents deem as necessary the civil society’s involvement in the elaboration of documents of cultural policies and 70 per cent speak out for a permanent consultation of interested and professional groups concerning these projects. Also, it is necessary that civil society’s representatives participate in the working out of annual budgets in the culture sector; culture institutions need to get involved in solving communities’ problems and the services provided by the culture institutions should be diversified.    

Stanislav Goncear also drew attention to the need to change the regulation on the financing of cultural projects (financing in advance – 80 per cent; the evaluation commission: 2 members on behalf of the Education, Culture and Research Ministry and five on behalf of professionals, multiannual projects, etc.) and to create a register of NGOs in the culture field; to elaborate and approve the Proposal of Public Policy on the strengthening of cooperation between the cultural public administrations and the associative sector. Another important action deals with the foundation of platforms of permanent cooperation of NGOs with the central and local public administrations and with the revision of the legislative framework for stimulating investments in backing cultural activities.   

Attending the event, the state secretary in the culture sector, Victoria Nagy Vajda, stressed that the civil society must come up with diverse proposals at the session of financing of public organizations, organized by the Education, Culture and Research Ministry, propose projects due to comprise the concerned ideas and priorities. “We invest in culture and culture must bring material benefits to a society,” the official said.       

The project, Cultural policies for Moldova, is implemented by the Centre of Cultural Policies and the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Researches, with the support of the Visegrad Group, in partnership with Budapest Observatory (Hungary), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), Creative Industry Forum (Slovakia) and Institut umění – Divadelní ústav (Czech Republic).




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