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Eastern Partnership future discussed in Chisinau

09:55 | 23.10.2019 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 October /MOLDPRES/- The results of the process of deepening the cooperation of the Republic of Moldova with the EU and the future priorities of our country within the Eastern Partnership were addressed on 22 October by Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Nicu Popescu at the third Reflection Forum EaP held on 21-23 October in Chisinau, the MAEIE’s press service has reported.

Together with experts, researchers, representatives of several think tanks in the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries, Popescu gave a positive appreciation to the EU's role in the country's economic development, noting that our country has become fully integrated into the European economy.

"I think the fight for the next 10 years is to fully anchor Moldova in political Europe and in the European current on addressing security issues," he said.

The third Eastern Partnership Reflection Forum is organized by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms in partnership with the Austro-French Center for European Approach (Vienna) and Expert-Group, with the support of the European Central Initiative, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. This year's edition is held under the motto -Eastern Partnership over the next ten years: What is the strategy for the EU’s Eastern neighborhood? The event brings together several senior officials, experts, researchers, representatives of several think tanks in the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries.




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