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Moldovan prosecution seized on property of former leader of Democrats

09:58 | 30.10.2019 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 October /MOLDPRES/- The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office announced today that it had seized 55.4 million lei in the money laundering cases in extremely large proportions, which includes Vladimir Plahotniuc.

The prosecutors seized the bank accounts held by Plahotniuc in Victoribank  - containing about 15,275,000 lei. The seizure was made at the same bank account - 278,090 euros, which belongs to a third person.

Seizure was applied to the share of 100% of capital of the BB-Dialysis Ltd, amounting to 31,826,322 lei, on the share of 100% of capital of the Bass-Systems Ltd, worth 2,950,000 lei and share of GMG Production Ltd - 10,800,000 lei.

The prosecutors announce that the application of the seizures aims to avoid the risk of alienation of funds.

Former leader of Democratic Party of Moldova Vlad Plahotniuc is accused of money laundering in extremely large proportions and was announced on 29 October in international and interstate search.


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