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Events on winter holidays to start in Chisinau on 1 December

11:18 | 28.11.2019 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 November /MOLDPRES/- The events dedicated to the winter holidays will start on 1 December with an artistic program in the Great National Assembly Square and the Cathedral square. The Christmas Fair will be inaugurated on 21 December.

According to a decision approved on 27 November by the government, the program of activities dedicated to winter holidays includes leisure, socialization, literacy and arts education.

The folk craftsmen from the localities of the country will exhibit the traditional products of wood, ceramics and leather, and artistic bands from all over Moldova will promote folk dance and song within the cultural activities.

The events will be organized by the government jointly with the Chisinau City Hall. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research will allocate up to 3.7 million lei. Another 5 million will be allocated by the Investment Agency.


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