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Moldovan government discusses problems faced by Balti-based Municipal Clinical Hospital

18:46 | 18.02.2020 Category: Official

Chisinau, 18 February /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Ion Chicu today summoned a meeting with the leadership of the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry and of the Balti-based Municipal Clinical Hospital, to discuss problems as to the providing of medical services to Moldova’s northern region, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.  

The PM was informed about the problems faced by the Balti Clinical Hospital. The sides discussed the insufficiency of young medical staff, lack of medical devices and equipments and the need of capital repair of the institution’s rooms.  

About 90 per cent of the patients are hospitalized in emergency cases. The hospital provides services for the Balti municipality and the nearby districts with a population of about 800,000 people. The number of medical appointments is of about 400,000 per year.    

The PM asked to separate the needs of equipments into two lists: an emergency list and another short-term one. Resources from the public budget will be earmarked to purchase emergency equipments and as for the others, talks will be initiated with Moldova’s development partners.  

“We will consider possibility to provide allowances to young medical specialists who accept to work in the Balti city. Now, we work to extend opportunities offered by the First Home programme and we believe that these two instruments together will persuade young physicians to work in Balti. To modernize the medical services, we need young people and we will come up with more programmes to preserve young persons in Moldova,” Ion Chicu said.  







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