Prospects for Thursday, 19 October
19:59 | 18.10.2017 Category:
Events in Moldova
The parliament convenes into plenary meeting at parliament at 10:00.
The Ministry of health, labour and social protection invites to the children's recreation area inauguration, arranged at Municipal Clinical hospital for children "Valentin Ignatenco" on str. Grenoble 149 at 11:00.
The Chisinau city hall invites to reopening of General proctology and general surgery sections, within Municipal hospital (IMSP) "Sfanta treime" (Saint trinity) 12:30.
The Institute for legal and political research (ICJP) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) organizes round table "Year 1917 in the Destiny of Bessarabia – Legal and Political Consequences" at the ASM at 09:30.
The ombudsman for Protection of Children's Rights, Maia Banarescu, invites press to international conference "Legal Regulation of the Status of the Child in Contact/Conflict with the Law" at the Summit Events hall at 09:00.
The Civic Group on Cultural Heritage organizes, on 19 – 20 October 2017, conference "Identities of Chisinau", fourth issue at the post office at 09:00.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization organizes totaling event of project "Support for the development of National programme for vegetable genetic resources for food and agriculture in Moldova" at the institute of genetics, physiology and plant protection at 09:30.
The Technical University of Moldova (UTM) invites to official opening of the International Conference "Microelectronics and Computer Science" (ICMCS-2017) at TEKWILL centre at 10:00.
The National employment agency, centre for entrepreneurial education and business assistance organize a Professional Forum with slogan: "A Successful Career at Home" at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) at 11:00.
The Institute for Development Social Initiatives (IDIS) "Viitorul" (Future) invites press to launch the Top of the Most Transparent Regions in Moldova at Jazz hotel at 10:00.
The teachers and pupils of theoretical lyceum "Stefan cel Mare" in Grigoriopol, headquarters in Dorotcaia, together with Promo-LEX Association, manifest in front of the Russian embassy in Chisinau at 12:00.
The celebration dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of Municipal library "B.P. Hasdeu" at the Central library at 14:00.
Book for children "Anita – cu – Bundita si minunatele ei calatorii în Lumea Lumilor impreuna cu nazdravanul Duta – Ghinduta" (Anita – cu – Bundita and her wonderful journeys in the World of the World along with the indulgent Duta – Ghinduta) is launched, by Luiza Ciolac, Romania at the National library for children "Ion Creanga" at 14:00.
The Association of Independent Press (API) invites to a new meeting of STOP FALS! at Jazz hotel at 16:00.
The Choral Musical Association (AMC) holds the Xth issue of choir event of 2017 in Moldova: the International Choral Music Festival "A Ruginit Frunza din Vii", on 19 – 22 October 2017 in several locations in Chisinau, with participants from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Armenia and Moldova at theater "Ginta Latina" on 19 October at 18.00.
At the Central bookshop launches volume "Dusi cu Titanicu" (Gone with Titanic) by Valentin Gutu, published by Cartier publishing house on bd. Stefan cel Mare 126 at 18:15.
(Editor L. Alcaza)