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Transports sector's problems discussed at Economics Ministry of Moldova

17:07 | 21.06.2019 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/ - Problems from the transports sector were discussed at a meeting summoned by Economics and Infrastructure Minister Vadim Branzan today. The participants in the event tackled subjects on fighting the illegal carriage of persons, including in taxi regime. They also reiterated the need for the transport to be, first of all, legal, safe and there should be fair competition between companies.       

„I want the way of work to be changed; it should be collaborative, not by instructions. There are a lot of problems in the transports field and in the last two weeks, I have received diverse requests, most of which refer to the tariffs and difficulties faced by carriers in relation with the authorities. Before taking decisions, I want to listen to all sides,” Minister Vadim Branzan said.   

According to the Economics and Infrastructure Ministry, other problems discussed were dealing with the involvement of the political factor in the transports sector, especially in the process of granting to concession of the state enterprise Gările și stațiile auto (The Bus Terminals - GSA). At the same time, the participants in the meeting also mentioned the issue of GSA’s debts to carriers, which presently exceed nine million lei (about 450,000 euros).        

Also, the participants in the meeting made proposals on the change of the code of road transports, as well as amendments to the legislation in the field.  

Minister Vadim Branzan said that all decisions and policies worked out by the Economics and Infrastructure Ministry would be carried out collegially. He stressed that, after all problems are identified, not only the symptoms would be “treated”, but also the real problem, from the root.   

Attending the meeting were representatives of the Economics and Infrastructure Ministry, National Road Transport Agency, ten employers’ associations in the road transport sector, as well as civil society’s representatives.  

About 2,600 economic agents currently work on the market of road transports, which provide services of road transport of goods and passengers on national and international routes.



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