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Average salary on economy of 7,953 lei forecast in Moldova for 2020

16:10 | 27.12.2019 Category: Social

Chisinau, 27 December /MOLDPRES/ -  The quantum of the average monthly salary on the economy, forecast for 2020, was approved at 7,953 lei, in accordance with the forecast of the macro-economic indexes for the period 2020-2022, worked out by the Economics and Infrastructure Ministry (MEI). The cabinet approved a decision to this end today.

The government’s draft decision, On the approval of the quantum of the average monthly salary on the economy, forecast for 2020, was elaborated by the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry, which is charge of the salary policy in the real sector.    

The forecast quantum of the average salary on the economy will be applied for determining the ceiling of the calculation basis of the social insurances allowances; at the calculation of the contribution of compulsory state social insurances by the employer for the social insurance of his/her employees. Also, the quantum of the average salary on the economy will be used at the calculation of the compulsory state social insurances from the material aid provided from the means of trade unions and employers from the sums exceeding the average monthly salary on the economy, forecast for 2020.    

MEI’s forecasts show that the nominal average monthly salary is estimated for 2021 at 8,619 lei and for 2020 – at 9,328 lei, respectively. The ministry’s forecasts also show a yearly 8.2-8.7-per cent increase in the average salary on the economy.  


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