Democratic Party of Moldova informs about principles of cooperation with parties due to enter new parliament
11:28 | 01.03.2019 Category: Political
Chisinau, 1 March /MOLDPRES/ - The management of Moldova’s Democratic Party (PDM) today informed about the principles of the formation’s cooperation with the parties due to enter the future ruling coalition.
At a news briefing, PDM deputy leader Vlad Cebotari said that the Democrats had set a string of principles due to stay at the basis of the negotiations for the creation of a new ruling coalition.
Among the principles announced by PDM, there are: bringing to the forefront of the interests of the Moldovan citizens and their wish to have a better life at home, in Moldova; taking by the political forces and MPs of the future governance of a sincere commitment in favour of the political, social and economic stability of Moldova; signing of a full commitment for the independence, unity and territorial integrity of Moldova; adoption of a Pro Moldova political orientation, due to prevail over any other party or personal political orientation.
Also, among the Democrats’ priorities, there is the implementation of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union and carrying out of all reforms according to the best western models, in the interest and for edifying the well-being of Moldova and maintaining the country’s neutrality status.
The Democrats’ management informed that it had submitted letters to representatives of the ACUM political bloc, in order to start negotiations for the creation of a new ruling coalition, noting that PDM did not want snap elections, as they would lead Moldova to chaos.