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Residents of Moldovan capital may request disconnection from heat

10:07 | 13.03.2019 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 March /MOLDPRES/- Residents of buildings connected to the centralized heating system may require stopping the heat supply during the day or night, or adjusting the heat consumption as needed.

Termoelectrica stock company said it provides heating without interruption all year around, but the management of the engineering system in the building falls under responsibility of the housing manager.

Under the contract of heat supply, the company stops the supply of heating at the request of the housing manager, whereas, according to the legal provisions, the authorized representative of the consumer is the housing manager who is entitled to request switching on or shutting down of heat supply only after consultation with the residents.

The head of the Termoelectrica company’s communication service, Elena Junghina, said that no request for heat disconnection has been made so far.

The company provides over 5,600 buildings with heating, of which about 600 budget institutions, about 814 economic agents and 209 thousand apartments, in about 3,000 dwelling houses in Chisinau.


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