Prospects for Friday, 22 March
19:43 | 21.03.2019 Category:
Events in Moldova
The Ministry of agriculture, regional development and environment invites mass media to the national conference: No river without attention! an event dedicated to the World Water Day at Radisson hotel at 10:00.
The court of accounts examines the financial statements audit report. Vadul lui Voda concluded on 31.12.2017 at public hearing at 10:00.
The National agency for food safety invites mass media to the meeting with operators of poultry industry to examine the current situation in aviculture and implementation of the road map for obtaining the right to export meat and poultry eggs to EU at ANSA's headquarters at 10:00.
The border police invites mass media to donation ceremony of six modular containers purchased under US State Department EXBS Programme, allowing the border institution to create necessary infrastructure to successfully expand its border control work Moldova and Ukraine at the General Inspectorate of Border Police at 14:30.
The Chisinau acting mayor Ruslan Codreanu inspects modernisation works of the Valea Trandafirilor park at 14:00.
The Chisinau acting mayor participates in inauguration of street public lighting on street Muncesti at 18:30.
The legal consulting company Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners, National Institute of Justice, ELSA Republic of Moldova and American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova hold the final of the National Youth Law contest, 4th issue at the National Institute of Justice at 13:00.
The credit history office Infodebit invites to an offline discussion on media access to economic and financial info resources that can be used in documenting journalistic investigation topics about legal and/or physical persons from Moldova at Tucano coffee shop at 14:00.
The Pro Didactica educational centre hosts the second seminar of pre – university teachers dedicated to education for integrity and eradication of corruption acts at 14:00 – 17:00.
The Municipal library B. P. Hasdeu invites to the meeting with writer Doina Postolachi at 14:30.
The scientific library A. Lupan launches monograph: Treaty on scientific and practical foundations of sanocreatology, volume II, entitled: Psychological health. Psychosanocreatology. The necessity of society in its development at 15:00.
The National library of Moldova invites to personal exhibition of painter Damian Furdui, director and teacher at the Gheorghe Vrabie Fine Arts School in Falesti city at 15:00.
The Republican centre for children and youth Artico invites to Republican instructive – practical seminar: Pop music and Jazz, an event for teachers in extracurricular education, musical field of Moldova at Artico at 11:00.