Chisinau residents expected at fair of local grapes
12:09 | 23.03.2019 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 23 March /MOLDPRES/- Residents and guests of the capital are expected on 24 March at a fair of local grapes, which will take place in the square of Metropolitan Cathedral "Naşterea Domnului" in the center of the capital.
The fair will start at 11:00 and will bring together over 20 grape producers in the country.
The initiative came after several Moldovan farmers announced that they still have large reserves of grapes in storage and risk incurring large financial losses. In this context, the producers urged consumers to offer local grapes instead of flowers.
Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Nicolae Ciubuc said a few days ago that in order to solve the problem of this year's overproduction of grapes, discussions were held with Romanian partners to sell grapes to Romanian retail outlets.
According to statistics, Moldovan producers have harvested 680 thousand tons of grapes on a total area of 128 thousand hectares of vineyard last year.