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Prospects for Wednesday, 24 April

22:07 | 23.04.2019 Category:

Events in Moldova

The MPs of political block ACUM Platforma DA si PAS Iurie Renita and Vladimir Bolea hold a press conference: The legislative measures to rebuild Illegal construction in the capital at parliament at 10:00.


The press is invited to the public hearings of the Court of Accounts to audit: 1. Audit report of the consolidated financial reports of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment concluded on 31 December 2018 – 10:00; 2. Audit report on compliance of public procurement within the Ministry of Healthcare, Labour and Social Protection and its subordinated institutions in 2018 – 14.00.


The State Agency for Intellectual Property invites mass media to the 21st issue of the Annual Intellectual Property Symposium AGEPI LECTURES at 09:30.


The Chisinau acting mayor Ruslan Codreanu participates in inauguration of the leachate treatment plant, produced from solid household waste deposited at the dump located on street Uzinelor at 11:00.


The Independent Analytical Centre Expert – Grup, in partnership with National Anticorruption Centre and Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, organises launch of university lecture: Anticorruption and Good Governance at ASEM at 10:00.


The Embassy of Romania in Moldova, EU Delegation in Chisinau and National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum invite mass media to conference: Eastern Partnership 10 Years – Together, Stronger at the National Art Museum of Moldova at 09:00.


The mass media is invited to the closing event and the day of presentation of the work done at Autonomus Driving Bootcamp organised by MicroLab at the Chisinau FabLab at 15:00.


The Caritas Moldova Foundation hold a celebration of Easter holidays for 100 socially vulnerable elderly persons in Chisinau at the Nationalities House at 13:00.


iData – Intelligent Data SRL invites mass media to a press conference: Moldovan preferences for Easter holidays and socio – political issues at IPN at 11:00.


The Chisinau city hall holds the public hearings on creation of a shelter for street animals at 13:00.


The second issue of the Woldemar novel by Oleg Serebrian is launched at the Chisinau centre bookstore at 18:15.


The 13th Heraldic Symposium is held at the National History Museum of Moldova at 10:00.


The UNIREA – ODIP Association, Anticorruption Association and Pro Memorial Association invite mass media to a press conference: Unveiling a bust in the honour of a member of Sfatului Tarii at IPN at 12:00.

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